Research: In Hand Manipulation with Guided Exploration
Columbia University, NY September 2021 - Present
Use a 5-finger robotic hand to learn to rotate an object as fast and long as possible.
Pure reinforcement learning (RL) methods are not enough to learn. They don't learn finger-switching behavior to allow continuous rotation.
Tried various methods to combine human-designed controllers with RL algorithms, to improve exploration and sample efficiency.
Value Guided Exploration with Sub-optimal Controllers for Learning Dexterous Manipulation.
Submitted to The 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
Related Skills:
Control Theory
Linux (Ubuntu OS)
Mujoco (Physics Simulator)
Reinforcement Learning
Robotic Kinematics
Finger Switching Achieved by Analytical Controller
Pure Reinforcement Learning
Finger Gaiting Achieved by Reinforcement Learning
2D 4-Finger Case